Pink and Gold

Bottle of Juicy Couture Viva La Juicy perfume - bottle has a pink ribbon bow and gold accents

I’m so behind in posting here.  I will get caught up one of these days!  But, I just had to pop in to show you something I’ve been absolutely enamored with.  I think I may have mentioned that I’ve been in dire need of some new perfume for awhile now.  I’ve been trying fragrance after fragrance and really hadn’t found anything that just sang to me.  While doing my Christmas shopping, I gave it another try and tried some things I hadn’t even looked at before.  One of those was Viva la Juicy.

Ooh, I really liked this one.  I tested it out, wore it for a day and decided it might be a keeper.  I tried it a second time and knew it needed to come home with me.  Lucky me, Eric put a bottle in my stocking!

So, I’ve been really enjoying this new little pop to my everyday self.  Plus, how can you not love it with that pink bow?

I’ve also been trying to track down a perfume I smelled in a magazine ad that I just loved, but now am unsure of what it was.  I thought is was the redone Chanel No. 19.  But, upon smelling the No. 19 Poudre, that was definitely not it.  So…wonder what it was?

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