Project 365

Rain with Leaf

As part of my 101 Things in 1001 Days, I decided that I would photograph my journey. I plan to take photos every day for at least the next year, preferably the next 1001 days. I wanted to do this 1) to document and 2) to improve my photography skills. I’ll be posting my photos on this blog weekly. I was originally going to choose one photo from each day, but then I decided that I ended up with several from each day that I liked…so I’ll just post them all. I may decide in the future to just go with one…but hey, that’s my prerogative.

Below are the week’s photos (March 22, 2009 through March 28, 2009), but my favorite of the week is at the top of this post.


Pillars of the Earth
Rain Drenched Sky
Still Life with Avocado
Evening Commute
Morning Commute
Purple Heels
It’s Now or Never
Book Club
Kimbell Musicians
Kimbell with Sky

Kimbell Walkway
Model Accoutrements
Potstickers at BJs

2 thoughts on “Project 365”

  1. Oh Michelle, I love your photographs! You are one talented lady! My favorite would be the columns, walkway and purple heels. I’ve always wanted to learn photography but just never got around to actually doing it. Hopefully, one day soon I’d be able to take pictures like you do. Keep the pictures coming!

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