Random Tuesday Thoughts

Gallery wall of our travel photos all framed in black frames going up the stairs

On several of the blogs I read, I’ve noticed that there has been an interest in creating a gallery wall to showcase photos and/or art. I wanted to share our gallery wall with you too. When Eric and I first got married and moved into this house, we came to a bit of an impasse about hanging art on the walls. Having a BFA in Art History, I was of course all for bringing art and loveliness into our home. But, we have slightly different ideas of what is lovely. After months of blank walls and a lot of back and forth, we struck on the idea with printing photos from our travels. It began with photos from our honeymoon in Rome and from our cruise in the Caribbean where he proposed. In the past three years we’ve added a few more trips to that list. Initially, I’d scattered the photos throughout the house. But, then I was inspired to hang the majority of the photos together in our entry. I loved the idea of showcasing not only Eric’s photography, but also a gathering of memories of those wonderful places. Eric was a little hesitant about hanging them all together, but I ran the idea past my good friend, Jennifer, the decorating guru. And once Eric was met with the argument that “Jennifer says it will look great,” we starting arranging the photos on the wall. The wall now holds photos from Rome, New York, Philadelphia, San Antonio, Oklahoma City and Chicago. I am sure we’ll be adding to this collection with our more recent trips to Virginia and Miami. I love how this wall looks, and I feel like it is very representative of us to people first entering into our home. If you want to see some other great gallery walls, take a look at Blue-Eyed Bride’s gallery wall …

Gallery wall in a hallway with black and white photos and black frames
Gallery wall in a hallway with black and white photos and black frames; closeup of the wall

and the photo collections over at elefantitas alegres…

Gallery wall above a shelving unit just inside the front door.

Eric and I found we loved traveling together so much, that I gave him this as a wedding gift. It was a promise of many more trips in the future.

World map with stick pins to show where we've traveled.

And completely unrelated to my decorating musings, this morning was my first venture back to a regular yoga practice. It is so hard getting up even earlier in the mornings, but I feel so much better when I start my day off with yoga.

Woman doing yoga in downward dog pose.

For now, I’m going to do two mornings a week. My body was so happy to stretch today! I definitely needed it. I’m just using a DVD for yoga currently, but I’m interested in giving classes a try again. I’ve had two people recommend Bikram (hot) yoga to me. One girl that I see at the gym alot said that she’s started doing Bikram yoga and is now in the best shape of her life. I may give it a try. There’s a couple of places that offer it near me, Sunstone Yoga and Bikram Yoga Grapevine. I also have a DVD at home of Baron Baptiste’s. He teaches Power Vinyasa Yoga, and from what I remember of doing the DVD some time ago, I really enjoyed it.

So, today was just relaxing and stretching, but it reminded me how much I love yoga and how much I’ve missed it. And after walking 3.2 miles on Saturday and getting huge, really bad blisters on my feet, I really needed both the relaxing and the stretching.

woman doing yoga on the beach in cobra pose.

2 thoughts on “Random Tuesday Thoughts”

  1. The pictures look great! That is a really cool idea. Congrats on getting back into yoga- our YMCA has yoga classes, I may try to go sometime, if I can fit it in around my zumba classes. ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. I loooooooooooooove Bikram yoga! I used to do it all the time when I lived in Austin but have yet to hunt out places in Dallas – I have heard good things about Sunstone though!

    I also love the yoga and core fusion classes at Exhale at the Palomar Hotel – pricey, but great classes!

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