Red Silk

red silk Chanel clutch

Last night I held some red silk thread in my hand, and watching the way it caught the light I realized that I was inspired to create my first post – and a new blog. Red is such an amazing color – the color of happiness, the color of desire. A few years ago, I read the book Slammerkin, by Elizabeth Donoghue. It’s the story of a servant girl in 1763 who begins a life of prostitution because of her desire to own a single red ribbon. The ribbon encompassed all that fashion and high society had to offer in her eyes. It’s an interesting thought how a color can have so much impact on us. At a nearby museum, their current exhibit features Japanese painted scrolls, mainly of geishas. What I find mesmerizing about those scrolls, is the hint of red from the underlayer of their kimonos. An invitation at a subtle level, perhaps? The red silk dupioni clutch (above) is a fun little piece with the pleats. This is from Vintage June. I love the idea of carrying such an attention-getting piece with a simple dress.

Make A Wish Necklace

These Make a Wish necklaces from Dogeared are fun too. With the red silk Kabbalah bracelets sighted so often, this is an interesting marriage of jewelry and creating your life.

Reese Witherspoon on the red carpet wearing a yellow strapless dress with red satin heels

Reese Witherspoon’s Golden Globe ensemble also uses red to great advantage. I would never have thought to pair that gorgeous yellow Nina Ricci dress with those red Brian Atwood Dorian heels. Gorgeous.

Nicole Kidman on the red carpet wearing a long red halter dress with a decorative bow on the side of the neck

Nicole Kidman’s Oscar dress is actually strangely reminiscent of the Atwood sandals. This red silk Balenciaga dress is so elegant. It almost has that Parisian feel to me.

My intention with this blog is to focus on all those things that epitomize style and beauty for me. I have such a desire for the stylish, the luxurious and the beautiful, and want to incorporate it into my life on a daily basis.

1 thought on “Red Silk”

  1. Michelle!!
    I love red! It’s my all time favorite color, although I also love every shade of plum, berries, etc., too. Your new blog with these images and color is awesome.
    I read Slammerkin…and I live in a home with mostly red colors, as you may remember from seeing my blog pics. Nothing is more beautiful than a big piece of red silk…and so rare. Congratulations on your new blog.
    I’m so grateful you’re my friend, Michelle. Thanks for your comments on my blog, as well.
    Deb in FL

    PS: Your “word verification” below is deep, true red, too! LOL

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