Since we spend Christmas Eve with Eric’s family, and have Christmas Day to ourselves, we usually try to get together with my parents on New Year’s Day. The past several years my parents have travelled to see my sister and her family for Christmas, so they haven’t even decorated their home for the holidays. This year, they stayed home and my Dad decided he wanted the house decorated. It’s been so long since I’ve seen their tree that I was totally blown away by how gorgeous the glass ornaments are. Back when they were still decorating, they decided they wanted to freshen up their ornaments, so they bought all new gorgeous glass pieces. They gifted my sister and I both with some as well, and started me on the tradition of decorating my tree with hand-blown glass.

And I was happy to see the tree skirt that my mom and I made. It’s made of felt and has Santa and Frosty and Rudolph on it, along with candy canes between them and holly leaves and berries around the edge. The sequins that we so carefully sewed on really reflect the light from the tree.

My Dad lit a fire in the fireplace after dinner and we sat around the tree and visited, just enjoying each other’s company. I can’t tell you when the last time I sat in front of a fire was!

I still couldn’t get over how pretty their tree is and how beautifully all the glass reflects the light. Absolutely stunning! And I’m so grateful for those beautiful pieces they’ve given me.

It was a wonderful evening. We toasted in the New Year and enjoyed an amazing end to the first day of 2011.

Happy New Year!