I have to say that February seemed to be over in a blink of an eye. It was a good month though, and I was definitely feeling better overall. For my #monthlymarker for February I decided to stick with my theme of crystals and of course had to choose rose quartz. What could be more perfect to symbolize love?
So, let’s look back at my February.

★ I started the month off spending a three-day weekend with my girlfriends at a local quilting retreat. Such a fantastic way to kick off the month and I managed to finish a quilt top I’ve been working on!
★ I switched out the winter decorations I’d had up for January and replaced them with some Valentine’s pieces – like a vase of red tulips and my chocolate box-inspired table topper quilt. Thut really wanted to be part of decorations, as you can see.
★ I’ve been trying to get back into the habit of #selfcaresundays and diffusing essential oils is a big part of that. Sacred Mountain is a blend that was really calling to me. It’s a fantastic spiritual oil and is perfect for using during yoga, meditation, or just bringing a sense of calm and grounding to your space.
★ To celebrate Valentine’s Day, Eric and I went to eat a Lazy Dog. I’d gone there back in November with some folks from work and loved it so I’ve been anxious for Eric to go. We had a delicious dinner and one of my favorite things about that place is their stunningly gorgeous menus that are full of seasonally-inspired watercolor paintings.
★ Intuitively selecting crystals and oils again played a big part this month and I found myself drawn to Bloodstone, which I haven’t felt pulled to in quite some time, and in the last photo above: lavender quartz, angel aura quartz, and hemimorphite.
★ I mentioned in my January wrap up that I’d joined a group that was reading all the Harry Potter books in 2019 and I started Sorcerer’s Stone right at the tail end of the month. I finished it up in February and got started on Chamber of Secrets immediately. Loving rereading these books!
★ February is a hard month overall. It’s the month my grandmother died and also the month my dad died. It’s been 7 years since we lost him to pancreatic cancer. It weighed heavily on my heart this year. I’d forgotten I had this photo on my phone, but when I saw it I thought it was such a perfect capture of him and his personality. Miss that smile.
★ And not pictured (because apparently I was having too much fun to take photos), I got together with some girlfriends for an Oscar watching party and sleepover. It was so much fun and I’m so glad I got to go. I hope to make it an annual tradition.