Shooting Without a Tripod (or How I Spent My 4th of July)

two hot dogs, baked beans, and coleslaw on a plate with a glass of rootbeer

Every so often I make a food request to Eric, and one of the things I love about him is that he always comes through for me. For dinner on the 4th, he grilled hot dogs, made baked beans and coleslaw and bought me root beer. So yummy!


Although the night before it rained something fierce, the 4th was sunny and clear, so we were good to go out and see the fireworks. Eric looks forward to the fireworks every year and he was really disappointed by our fireworks experience last year in Miami. Suffice it to say that last year we pulled the car over to the side of the road and watched the ten minutes of fireworks through the back window of the car. Not ideal. But, this year, Eric got some amazing photos of the fireworks. Mine…notsomuch. I think they would have been pretty good if I’d taken Eric’s advice and used the tripod he brought for me.

Since I am stubborn and thought that surely I could take great handheld photos, you can see my results. My fireworks look a bit more like silly string than fireworks. Not quite as impressive as I’d hoped.


Ah well. It was a great night though, and I was happy with my Sonic Campfire Blast that Eric bought me on the way home (and a Banana Shake for himself).

No work on Monday the 5th, so we continued our weekend long movie marathon. It’s been so long since we’ve watched movies that we thought it was a good time to get caught up. We finished up Season 2 of True Blood, caught some of the Star Wars marathon and also watched Sherlock Holmes, Avatar, Alice in Wonderland, Ghost Rider, Wanted, American Pie: Beta House and finally rounded it off with the new Star Trek. It was so much fun to just sit and watch movies together. I loved it!

And Eric surprised me with two new variations of grilled pizza for dinner last night.

Chicken Fajita Pizza…

two slices of pizza

And Chicken Pesto Pizza…

pizza with chicken and pesto

They were both sooooo delicious! I can’t decide which one was my favorite. I hope he makes these again.

And Eric’s mom just got back from visiting Grandma and she came by yesterday to bring us these Italian cookies she brought back for us. We had some of the three-color cookies and they were fantastic. I can’t wait to try the others.

Italian cookies

All in all an excellent 4th of July weekend. And maybe next year I’ll use a tripod.

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