Guess what? Another nesting project! (Are you tired of them yet?) Eric and I are really loving all the little changes we’re making around the house. And strangely enough, the more we do, the more we’re inspired to do.
This project is something that’s been on my radar for probably a year at least. In our office, I have a table set up to use for sewing, crafting, wrapping gifts, whatever. Underneath it, you can see, I have a variety of storage containers and boxes full of (mostly) quilting fabric and batting. Although everything is contained, it’s still an eyesore. Eric suggested that a table skirt might be a good solution to hide my storage and give the room a less cluttered feel.
You can see in the photo above the fabric we chose for the table skirt. Nothing overly exciting, and because Eric was helping pick out the fabric, nothing overly girly either.

After about an hour’s worth of work, I had a table skirt! It wraps around three sides of the table, and is attached to the table with velcro for easy removal. It really does make a big difference in this room (and cleaning off the top of the table helped too).

I’m really happy with how it looks, and my sewing machine can still sit underneath the table so that I can easily get to it. I did actually take the skirt back off after I took this photo and ironed it, but I lost my light, so no photo of it ironed.
My next project, that seems to be neverending, is working on that stack of papers on the bookshelf next to the craft table. That’s all stuff that needs to be scanned and filed electronically. No need to keep all these piles of paper we seem to have endless amounts of. It’s going to be awhile before I get that project finished, but I’m working on it a bit every weekend and seem to finally be making a dent in it. I promise to show more photos of the room once the piles of papers and files are gone. Once I get the scanning all done, it will give me some more room to organize my craft supplies and hopefully make everything a bit easier to get to and less of an episode of Hoarders.