
7/19/09 – 7/25/09

So the week didn’t start out so good. Saturday I went and did my normal 3 mile walk. Saturday afternoon we went to Lone Star park, and by the time we got home I had really horrible horrible blisters on the backs of my heels. So bad in fact, I could really walk or wear shoes. But, I wrapped myself up and went to work on Monday anyway. Good times.

Bare feet with gauze pads taped to the backs of heels.

Crazy alien sheep joined by a stripey snake that I love.

Cross-stitch piece with letters of the alphabet, a sheep with crazy large eyes, a striped snake, and a bird.

And I came home to this bounty from Eric.

A box of bandaids, box of gauze pads, adhesive tape, a tube of petroleum jelly, a jar of glucosamine, and a box of Neosporin

My new little wristlet bag for storing my needles and scissors. Night Owls again.

fingers holding open a zipper bag with owls on it to show two pairs of scissors, a pack of needles, and a pencil.

I finally decided to spring for a new watch.

Silver ladies watch in a red watch box with a hinged lid

And on Saturday, I went and picked up my team t-shirt for the 5k I’d signed up for. I even got an Omron pedometer (since I was on team Go Smart for Omron). Annnnnd…the shirt was a size smaller than I expected and it fit!

turquoise shirt that reads "Team GO Smart", a pedometer, and a keyring with a silver circular charm and a gold charm that says "5k"

And what’s that there on the shirt? Well, when I weighed in at WW, I hit my 25% goal, got my 25 pound charm and also a 5k charm for participating in the 5k. Not a bad day at all!!

Closeup of a keyring with a silver circular charm and a gold charm that says "5k"

And so… I made snickerdoodles. They were pretty fabulous, if I do say so myself.

a pile of snickerdoodle cookies on a plate

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