Snowy Days

snow-covered neighborhood

Last week I think most of the country was hit by “winter weather”, and even in Texas we saw more than our fair share.  The icy roads, which were then covered by a layer of snow, forced many to stay at home…including me.  I am always thankful that I have a job that allows me to work from home when I need to (or want to, really).  I prefer going into the office, but when the roads are icy, my ass is staying in the house.  So, I worked from home four days last week.  Eric was sick with a stomach bug, so I spent some time making hot tea for him and trying to get him to eat a little once he was able to keep something down.  He was better later in the week, thankfully.

footprints in snow

But, between working and tending the sick, I did venture out briefly to take some photos.  I’m still amazed at how much snow we got.

red berries and green leaves covered in snow

And although it was the perfect weather for curling up with a good book, I’m struggling with the current book selection for book club.  We’re reading Parrot & Olivier in America.  It’s ok so far.  I’m only about 36 pages in so far, but I’m just not inspired to pick it up.  Hopefully it will begin to grab my interest soon.  I’m too tempted to pick up the last book in the Black Dagger Brotherhood series instead, but when I read one of those I can’t seem to remember to sleep or eat or talk to my husband.  I just walk around with my nose buried between the pages.  So, perhaps I shouldn’t put off Parrot & Olivier quite yet.

icicles hanging from the roof gutters

 We did finally make it out of the house on Saturday though, and we took a roadtrip to Austin for a photowalk.  I took a ton of photos, so I’ll have to spend some time editing them before I can share.  Maybe during the next snow day?

In the meantime, I think I’ll enjoy some Mexican hot chocolate (God, I’m addicted to the Instagram app).

red mug full of cocoa resting on a quilt

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