November started off with a bang! The first Saturday I attended a book signing for Christina Lauren for their latest book in the Beautiful series – Beautiful Player. I’ll have a post up soon on the series and the book signing too, but I finished Beautiful Player shortly after getting it at the signing! And speaking of books, I also got to go see Catching Fire the night it came out in the theatre – loved it!
I spent some time during the month looking at my in progress craft projects, working on some, and planning for some new things. One of my big projects towards the end of the month was working on finishing some Christmas ornaments I’d stitched.
Of course, one of the things I was excited about was visiting a local camera store and checking out a variety of camera bags in preparation for my trip to Germany/Paris. I loved the bright yellow of the one in the photo, but I ended up going with something slightly different. Post to come on that as well and why I chose what I did.
As the holidays approached, I celebrated with a super blingy manicure – I used my new polish, When Monkeys Fly, over a gold I already had on hand and wowza!! Eric and I made apple pancakes for breakfast, which is our tradition for Thanksgiving morning, and then watched the parade. We went to my mom’s for our cozy Thanksgiving dinner and it was really a nice, relaxing day. So much to be thankful for!