…the last thing I remember is that it was August and I was blogging about my birthday, my little weekend roadtrip I took and then…zippo. How is it almost Thanksgiving? Seriously.
Now I’m not saying that I’ve been off jet-setting around the world or remodeling my house or anything earth-shattering. I think life just was going on and then I woke up. Obvs I haven’t been on twitter or posting on the blog or anything, I’ve just been hibernating a bit, I think. Time to jump back in the game and be in the Now.
So what have I been doing over the last few months? I thought I’d provide a little recap.
- My niece turned 10 (seriously?) and I took some great photos of her that I’m really proud of
- Eric and I put up curtains in the three rooms in the house that didn’t have any
- I spent some time at the gun range wearing my pink safety glasses
- I’ve been to book club twice and read one great book and one yawner
- Eric and I went to the State Fair and I think I got some great photos (that have yet to be edited)
- Work, work, work, work, work
That’s about it. You’d think I’d have more to report. But, there it is.
So, I’m hoping to get back to living life fully and not just going through the motions, as it seems I’ve been doing.