I am so far behind on posting on the blog. But, I am trying to catch up! You may remember that over fourth of July weekend Eric and I went to Florida for a little vacation? I blogged about visiting Little Havana in this post. I thought I’d post some more photos before it was December and I was still talking about a trip from July (bad enough it’s September). Anyway, I thought I’d share with you our excursions to South Beach.

I’ve never been to South Beach before, so I was excited to see what it was all about. After we had lunch in Little Havana, we drove over to South Beach and walked around. I was amazed at all the Art Deco architecture. I mean it isn’t just a building here or there, it’s every building. That completely surprised me. I love the port-hole style windows.

And the color! I was loving all the color.

After a little visit to the World Erotic Art Museum, which is an excellent collection of some amazing art and some that borders on bizarre (no photos there, kids), we wandered past this mermaid sculpture that Eric knew was in the vicinity. He knows how much I love mermaids. This piece is by Roy Lichtenstein, who is known for his “comic strip” inspired art.

For dinner we decided on a Japanese-Vietnamese restaurant. The food was excellent, and the presentation was delightful. We started with some spring rolls.

Eric had duck, I believe (sorry for the blurry).

And I had curry chicken. Look at those lovely mango slices too.

After dinner, we headed back to the beach with the hopes of taking some photos at sunset. Unfortunately it started to rain, and continued to rain. But, I liked this shot I got of the deserted beach.

We decided to return to South Beach another day, in order to get our sunset photos and after dark experience.
We started off the afternoon with a little tasty refreshment. You cannot beat that!

We wandered along the beach and enjoyed ourselves.

We ate a fast and delicious dinner at Johnny Rockets which is sort of a 50s style burger joint with amazing burgers. And, it allowed us to get to our sunset.

And walking back along the street, I quickly realized that South Beach after dark is very different than South Beach during the day.

It’s like it becomes a totally different place, even the buildings don’t look the same. And it’s definitely a different crowd.

But the energy here is definitely infectious. The photo below is of the Gianni Versace mansion, that is now a private club.

South Beach is really an amazing experience, and I’m so glad that Eric wanted to share this with me (having gone to school in Ft. Lauderdale, this is his old stomping ground).

I still have a few more photos to share with you from our trip, but at least I’m more caught up now. Hope you have a fabulous Labor Day weekend. I am looking forward to a little break!
I love your pics. It makes me feel like I am right there with you (and not at my boring desk, wah!). And the food, oh the food. I'm hungry now!