Barely two weeks into the New Year and I feel like already I’m behind. I have a few posts in the works that eventually I’ll get written. I have some new things around the house to share, a recap of our holiday meals, and a book I just finished. But, since it is a new year and all, I thought I should take a moment to think about my intentions for 2012. I really do hate resolutions, because it’s kind of like making a list of all the things I’m definitely not going to do this year. So, instead I try to put some thought into what I want to do this year, what I’d like to focus on. Last year, I wanted to focus on just two things:
1. Focus on me
2. Cut down on the crazy
I think I did better at cutting down on the crazy, and it’s a good thing too because 2011 kicked me in the ass. I worked on not volunteering for things, not spreading myself too thin (since I already was), and trying to let go of people and situations that only added to the crazy. As far as focusing on myself though, that could have been better. But, I tried to keep it in perspective throughout the year, especially when I felt like I was barely treading water at some points. Imagine what the year might have looked like if I’d tried to hold myself to a host of pie-in-the-sky resolutions.
So, this year I thought I’d try to focus on what I’d like more of in my life – as a way of focusing on myself and on bringing a little joy back to my face. I’ve already wished for what I want, but here’s a recap of what I’d like to focus on for 2012…
Luxury & Warmth
a little Sparkle
I think that focusing on bringing these things into my life (and acknowledging where they already are there) is a great intention for 2012. What do you want to see for yourself in 2012?