9/27/09 – 10/03/09
Day two of the workshop. I think my class piece is turning out pretty damn good, if I do say so myself.

And I ordered one of these boxes. I think it will be a great addition to my 4th of July decorating. Plus Americana is just cool. They actually had boxes for each state, but I liked the USA one.

On my way home, there was a storm rolling in.

And within minutes it was coming down.

I spent some time working on finishing up my class pieces on Saturday. I wanted to get them done while the finishing was fresh on my mind. The only thing I’m missing is some silk ribbon for the ties for my little bags.

And my Limited Edition threads came for a Halloween piece I’m going to start. Love the names of these – Dried Blood, Sarcophagus, Burial Ground, Coffin Lid, Witch’s Wart, Nightmare, Zombie Flesh.