Summer Reading

stack of books - Prodigal Summer by Barbara Kingsolver, Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen, and The Mermaid Chair by Sue Monk Kidd

I am looking forward to a time in the not-so-distant future, when school is out for-evah and I can relax into my late spring and early summer indulgence of reading for pleasure. During this last class I’ve been hard-pressed to do any reading that is not related to school, in fact I haven’t been inclined to read even if I did have the time. So, in an effort to have something fun to look forward to at the end of the month, I’ve selected a few books that I want to tackle immediately upon passing that certification exam.

I recently purchased Water for Elephants, which I am looking forward to greatly. So I knew that one had to be in the mix for sure. But, what else to choose? I let my fingers run over the spines of the books on my shelf and came across The Mermaid Chair. That one has been on my shelf for ages. It looks like it will be a good choice for summer as well.

Back in March, when I purchased Water for Elephants, I was actually at the book store for a birthday gift. I picked up Animal, Vegetable, Miracle by Barbara Kingsolver for her. It reminded me that I still had an unread Kingsolver sitting on my bookshelves. And summer sounds like a perfect time for it the rather aptly named book, Prodigal Summer.

I’m looking forward to losing myself a bit after having spent the past two years submerged in school. I think these books are a good start. I’ve stacked them on the living room mantel, so that I know the promise of lazy weekends is drawing closer.

3 thoughts on “Summer Reading”

  1. The Waspy Redhead

    You will LOVE prodigal summer. It's my favorite Barbara Kingsolver (she's my favorite author).

  2. Mrs.Limestone

    I'd love to hear how you like them. I'm always looking for a new novel to read.

    PS:Thanks for your nice comment on my blog.

  3. I have read two of the three there – I loved Water for Elephants but wasn't all that thrilled with Mermaid Chair. I do like Barbara Kingsolver, and if I can get off my SciFi kick, I might give her a try.

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