My reading in June was summer romances…of a different flavor. Of course, I continued on with my Black Dagger Brotherhood series reading but also had a few side steps as well. I started off by finishing up The Thief, which I began on May 27th and finished it up on June 1st. This is the sixteenth book in the series and I was looking forward to finding out what happens with Assail and Sola, as well as Jane and Vishous. I enjoyed this one a lot and was truly thankful that it appears we may be past all the baby/kid plotlines finally.

After finishing up The Thief, I went to check my next book out of the library and had no luck. So, I decided to peruse my Kindle library and landed on The Deal by Stella Gray. I’d put this one firmly in the erotic romance genre. And while it was ok, it wasn’t great. I had hoped that it would be a standalone story even though it’s the first book in a series, but the cliffhanger ending dashed that hope. Not sure yet if I will read the next one or not. I started this on the first and finished it in a couple days.

Then I was able to check Prisoner of Night out of the library. It’s another novella set in the BDB universe. This one took me awhile to get into it, but then it got a little better. I gave it three stars because it never really grabbed me. There was a scene when they are entering the compound that really reminded me of Stephanie Meyer’s The Host for some reason. Anyway, finished this up in a couple days as well. I did like the ending.

The seventeenth Black Dagger book focuses on Murhder, who my friend Annette says JR Ward imagines looks like Jason Momoa. I can get behind that! This one was really good and I enjoyed it. No idea why it took me so long to read it though (started on the 6th and finished on the 13th.)

From there it was on to Blood Truth, the fourth book in the Black Dagger Legacy series. I really liked that this one was basically a murder mystery and Butch was using his homicide detective skills to investigate. But…once again we’re here with the pregnancy storyline. Ughhhh. Despite that, I enjoyed this one. Started on the 14th and finished on the 20th.

Next up was another novella, Where Winter Finds You. I really loved this one. bawled my eyes out through a chunk of this too. I admit also that it was nice reading a book set in winter when it’s blazing hot here. Read this one in two days.

The Sinner is the eighteenth BDB book and I was really looking forward to reading more about Syn. I admit I was a little disappointed in the scene when Syn and Jo are first together. It was just so…tame. Not what I expected at all, especially the way that Syn has been built up to this point. But, overall I enjoyed this one and read it in about three days.

Then I decided to take a complete detour from the Black Dagger books to read a book that’s been on my TBR list forever. I decided to pick up The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern. I’ve heard such good things about it and I’m really looking forward to immersing myself in this story. More in my July post!