Swamp Witch

The Chariot reversed tarot card and two crystals with text that says "June"

June’s tarot card was The Chariot reversed: a warning you are letting challenges and obstacles get in your way, preventing you from achieving what you set out to do. Refocus your energies on what IS in your control and examine what you can do to align your energy with your goals and follow through. Stromatolite for stability, creativity, and new beginnings. Serpentine frees you from self-imposed limitations and gives you the inner strength to follow your dreams. Citrine for manifestation.

As always, even though I pulled this card in January it feels really timely and accurate.

Painted my nails for the first time in forever and this polish was giving me massive swamp witch vibes, which I love. This is China Glaze Agro from the Hunger Games collection, which seems like it was a million years ago.

cross-stitched pillow with a bee and a crown and a sunflower that says Litha on a shelf with two pieces of Palo Santo wood, and four crystals (orange calcite, bumblebee jasper, and two pieces of Citrine)

I added my newly finished Litha piece to my altar for the summer and I’m just loving it. I also added palo santo, Bumblebee jasper, citrine, and orange calcite.

two jars of bath salts, one has a label that reads: Lavender Calendula Bath Salts and one that reads: Rosemary Eucalyptus Bath Salts

I’ve been working on deep cleaning around the house, including cleaning out all the cabinets. I ran across these throwbacks to when I originally came up with the name Cozyegg and made bath salts and body scrubs. They smell so good!

journal cover with an Edward Hopper painting of a woman at a counter

And along the same lines, I’ve also been working on transcribing my old physical journals into my Day One journal. I love having all my journals in one place and also being able to search since they are electronic. My favorite feature about Day One though is the On This Day feature where I can see all my entries for a specific day. This journal was from 1994/1995 and wow, there was a lot in there I had forgotten.

I’m continuing to put my jewelry on every day and enjoying it. Just like doing my nails, it’s something I do for myself. I even got out my scarab ring that goes with my necklace and wore it. Still loving my Isisa from Evil Pawn Jewelry.

red-haired woman wearing a XIII necklace, an art nouveau bat necklace, and an onyx strand

Lost Star Cravt Styx II strand and my ever-present Bloodmilk pieces. Here I’m wearing Night Creature and the XIII.

a woman wearing a sacred heart necklace and a planchette moth with moonstone necklace

Here I’m wearing Of a Thousand Sorrows and moonstone Planchette Moth.

I finished off the month taking my (rescheduled) discussion class on Crescent City 2 – House of Sky and Breath with Professor of Words. It was really good, as usual, and I’m glad we did it.

scene from the movie Only Lovers Left Alive with the two main characters on the couch with a guitar

Oh, and that reminds me that mid-month she also did a discussion on Only Lovers Left Alive. I’d never seen the movie, so I forced Eric to watch it which we was less than thrilled by. When we watched it I was kind of like what is all the hubbub about this film? Nothing really happens. I’m all about the vampire films and books and television shows, but this was kind of disappointing. I have to say that the discussion really gave me a lot to think about and it gave me a new perspective on the film too.

final scene from the series finale of True Blood with the characters sitting around a dinner table toasting

And speaking of vampires, we also finished watching True Blood. Admittedly, I was disappointed with the ending.

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