Tending the Garden

person writing in a spiral bound planner with a cup of coffee next to them

After my last post, I thought it might be good to share a little more of my work in my Power Sheets and how that is transforming into what I do currently.

In the Power Sheets, once you’ve identified your goals you start to break them down into smaller focus areas quarterly, monthly, and weekly.  Here were some of the things I wanted to keep in mind for the first three months of the year.

page in spiral bound planner showing my "no" list and my "yes" list; with a section on what I'm focusing on "clarity and focus"

And once you put together your focus for the three months, you then move to focusing on the month ahead.  As part of the monthly goal-setting, I identified some things to remember.

page in a spiral planner in my handwriting that says: "You can do this!" "Good things come from hard things" "Do not be afraid of zooming, step into the slipstream" and "stop jamming the signal"

And then, keeping in mind my big goals for the year and also what I want to pay attention to this quarter, I started to brain storm about this month’s focus.

page in a spiral bound planner that has my list of what I want to accomplish this month

I knew that the key to reaching your goals is tending them daily.  Without doing that daily check in and daily doing tasks to move that goal forward, you’ll never realize it.   The time will pass and then you’ll be wondering where the year went (ask me how I know this!).  So, I took that brain storm and filtered it into a clear action plan (ie tending list) for the month of March.

page in a spiral bound planner with monthly goals, weekly goals, and daily goals

This keeps me on track with monthly goals (that feed into my quarterly and yearly goals), weekly goals, and daily goals.

two printed out monthly habit trackers filled out

What I struggled with though, is that because Power Sheets aren’t (and aren’t intended to be) a planner.  I was having to work out of both my Erin Condren Planner and my Power Sheets.  Which got a little unwieldy at times.   So, I decided I needed an easier way to keep track of those daily habits I was wanting to cultivate.  My weekly and monthly goals, I could keep in my planner so that I could refer to them frequently.  But, my daily habits were getting lost in the shuffle.  I did some searching online and found this great printable habit tracker from Sparkle of Sunshine.  I liked being able to see the whole month at a glance, and monitor how I was doing with my habits.  What I know now is that I was setting myself up for failure.  Not because I was tracking my habits, but because I was trying to start like 20 new habits at one time.  I’ll talk more about that next time.

As I’m finding my way and identifying what works best for me, I feel like I’m better able to keep my goals at the forefront and not just let the days go by and wonder why I didn’t accomplish those goals I’d set for myself in January.  I love Power Sheets for how they get you to brain storm and dig in and identify what those goals should be, I just needed a better way to keep them in front of me and easily accessible without working in two or three different set ups.

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