Think of Me

11/22/09 – 11/28/09

My very good friend, Sylvia, is moving to Germany in December. Together with three mutual friends, I worked on this over Thanksgiving. We stitched this and are having it framed to give to her before she leaves.

cross-stitch piece that says "when this you see think of me tho many a mile we distant be" with birds, squirrels, and flowers

And I worked on a little something for myself. I stitched it with wool thread and plan to frame this to use in my seasonal decorating next year. Plus, I just love the wool felt acorns made by a fellow guild member.

two wool acorns laying on a cross-stitch piece that says "In thankfulness of heart 1620 Plimoth" and a ship

No idea why there are no Thanksgiving photos, but I’m sure it has something to do with whatever family drama was going on. So let’s just stick with my crafty stuff. But you can take a look here if you want to see my decorating from last year.

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