Looking back at December in photos…
★ Treated myself to the Shoshanna Amulet from BaubleBar to wear for our annual Eggnog & Dessert party after seeing it here. I adore this statement necklace.
★ Put the finishing touches on our living room tree and on the blue tree in the hallway. The lights make me so happy.
★ I’ve been saving this book for December – the perfect book to curl up with on a chilly winter night (it’s My True Love Gave to Me).
★ Lots of baking – chewy chocolate ginger cookies and orange cranberry mini loaves for our party; cannoli cheesecake for Christmas dinner (my first cheesecake!).
★ Eric took me to an amazingly beautiful display at the Dallas Arboretum of the Twelve Days of Christmas.
★ Participating in a fun book photo challenge and remembering some books from earlier in the year.
★ A holiday isn’t a holiday without a holiday mani!