So we’ll be heading off soon for beachier climates (I won’t say warmer, because really 100+ is warm enough, thank you very much). I’ve been trying to get myself organized and ready to go, taking care of all the essentials.
Hotel reservations at what promises to be a fabulous place to stay
A Cuban restaurant that looks amazing and yummy
Wide-brimmed hat to protect my delicate skin *snort*
Versatile white handbag
Sunblock with SPF 7000
New cute shorts that will be perfect for daytime walking and touristy things
Camera batteries charge and media cards cleared and ready to go
A new book, perfect for reading on the plane

And of course, a new manicure in OPI’s La Paz-itively Hot.

I can’t wait! I’ll have fabulous photos to share soon!
We love your necklace and nail color,nice blog!!!