Vintage Quilts and Vampire Bats

3/14/10 – 3/20/10

A few years ago when my Great Aunt died, her daughter offered me her quilt scraps. As time went by I gave up hope of every seeing them. But, at Christmas she sent me a Christmas card and asked if I was still interested. I replied that YES I certainly was still interested. And last week a big box arrived with treasures in it.

The colors and patterns speak volumes, don’t they?

quilt blocks made out of vintage fabrics

And in the box was this complete quilt top. As far as I can tell, the majority of it is hand-pieced. And you can see how big this thing is!

blue and white quilt top

A little closer look at the blocks.

closeup of the blue and white quilt top

Look at that sweet little cattywampus corner stone too.

blue and white quilt top with a corner block that doesn't quite fit

I intend to finish these into quilts so that I have this piece of my past (and one that I contributed to as well).

The last of the treats from Sylvia…gummy vampire bats.

an open bag of gummy bats with red or green wings and licorice bodies
closeup of the gummy bats

Of course, I don’t like licorice, so I just ate the wings off them.

The remains of the day…

open bag of gummy bats and a pile of just the licorice wingless bodies

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