3/14/10 – 3/20/10
A few years ago when my Great Aunt died, her daughter offered me her quilt scraps. As time went by I gave up hope of every seeing them. But, at Christmas she sent me a Christmas card and asked if I was still interested. I replied that YES I certainly was still interested. And last week a big box arrived with treasures in it.
The colors and patterns speak volumes, don’t they?

And in the box was this complete quilt top. As far as I can tell, the majority of it is hand-pieced. And you can see how big this thing is!

A little closer look at the blocks.

Look at that sweet little cattywampus corner stone too.

I intend to finish these into quilts so that I have this piece of my past (and one that I contributed to as well).
The last of the treats from Sylvia…gummy vampire bats.

Of course, I don’t like licorice, so I just ate the wings off them.
The remains of the day…