Wardrobe Picks – First Week of Work

First week back at work (well, four days, since we had a holiday on Monday). I thought I’d share what I chose to wear. Like I mentioned, I am trying to step up my wardrobe, and my style, so I thought that by documenting what I’m choosing, it might help me to put a little more thought into what I’m wearing as well as it might help me to see if I’m getting stuck in a rut wearing the same things over and over. This is also my first attempt at photographing my outfits too, so I’ll have to learn as I go along. I wish that my accessories showed up better. I may have to rethink how I’m laying things out, so that I can focus in a little more on the details.

So, for Tuesday…blue top, black pinstripe pants, black kitten-heel mules and a gold/silver/pearl necklace.

For Wednesday: green top, grey pants, Gianni Bini Viper heels, and green glass and gold necklace.

For Thursday: Pink and white stripe top, brown pants, brown Isaac Mizrahi croc heels, and diamond and gold necklace.

For Friday: red top, black pants, red striped mules and Venetian glass heart necklace.

So, the first thing I noticed looking back is that I wore pants everyday. I think I need to mix it up a little bit with skirts and dresses. I also think that all the tops I wore were very similar, so I need to keep an eye on that as well. But, all in all I felt great and I think I looked pretty good. I have a few ideas for next week, so we’ll see how I do.

1 thought on “Wardrobe Picks – First Week of Work”

  1. Anna van Schurman

    I LOVE your red shoes. I totally have to go shoe shopping! (My sister told me I shouldn’t have worn my black sandals yesterday; “even brown would be better.”)

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