With a Bang!

Photos from 4/5/09 to 4/11/09…

You may remember I mentioned this new necklace of mine in a previous post. I love it… and strangely enough, I’m loving this photo of me too!

About a month or so ago, my good friend Jennifer came and did a total redo on our living room. I need to gather together the before and after photos to show. One of the main things she did was arranging everything on the two bookshelves in this room. This is my favorite shelf…now dubbed the “Havana Shelf”.

I had to title this one “With a Bang”. I was enjoying a rare indulgence of one of my favorite things – Coke.

A week or so prior to me taking this photograph, I was driving into school and saw a photographer shooting a model with this building in the background, about the same time of day. I’d have loved to shoot her as well, because she was gorgeous, but instead you just get the building.

And do I need I reason for this photo? It’s a white coconut…enough said.

I love this one. We were going to dinner at Eric’s parents’ home and decided to bring a bottle of wine with us. This bottle is one of several that we purchased and had shipped home from a vineyard we visited in New York. This is a lovely dessert wine and I’m glad we have another bottle. What a wonderful reminder of our trip.

Eric bought this beautiful orchid for his mother for Easter. I loved the way it looked in the morning light through the kitchen window.

More 365 photos coming soon…

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