
8/9/09 – 8/15/09

I titled this one “Bluebird of Happiness”. You may remember my photo of the necklace when I made it. I just love the combo of the bird and the blue top.

closeup of a woman with red hair wearing a navy blue top and a silver necklace with a pendant of the outline of a bird

Went to see Harry Potter with my HP buddy, Sherri.

the movie screen in a darkened theater with Dumbledore on screen

One of my favorite polish colors – Essie’s After Sex. Appropos to the book I’m reading. I love this photo and how the colors pop.

fingers with new red nail polish manicure resting on a book titled Lover Eternal with a royal blue cover

Pulled into the parking lot at Barnes & Noble and looked up at this. Had to have a photo.

the back window of an SUV with writing in shoe polish that says "Woot!"

This was my Friday night SSB (Secret Single Behavior). Not overly exciting. Just some stitching and watching reality tv.

a cross-stitch piece with the letter M on it inside a wreath and a clear jelly jar full of thread clippings

I splurged on some sock yarn from Sunshine Yarns. These are mini skeins in her Twilight colors…Edward, Bella, The Meadow, Isle of Esme, Vampire Baseball and Vampire Blood. Can’t wait to do something with them. Guess I need to relearn how to knit first. But I think these may somehow turn into a scarf for moi.

six mini skeins of yarn - one greys and browns, one pinks, blues, and browns, one greens, pinks, and yellows, one blues and greens, one red, white, and blue and one just shades of red

And some threads I bought for a project as part of my birthday gift to myself. Love the colors!

many skeins of overdyed cotton threads on paper hang tags in bright colors

Celebrating my birthday at my ILs. This was an Italian Cream Cake. Mmmmmmm!

closeup of the top of a birthday cake with white frosting that has candles on it in bright colors that spell out Happy Birthday

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