I’ve been anxiously awaiting the release of The Great Gatsby for a good while. I couldn’t ask for a better cast, and Baz Luhrmann has directed some of my favorite films including Mouline Rouge. I’ve been thrilled to see Gastby parties pop up to celebrate the premiere of the film and people are breaking out their best flapper dresses and coupe champagne glasses.
One of the loveliest things I came across were the Tiffany windows, decked out with diamonds, chandeliers and coupe glasses.

Stunning, aren’t they?

Here is the featured diamond and pearl Savoy headpiece.

I love the Art Deco feel of these.

This one may be my favorite.

I can’t wait to make it to the theatre to see this masterpiece on the big screen. I know Lurhmann will deliver nothing less than a showpiece, full of all the dazzling glamour and tragedy that the book deserves.

And one of the things I’m most excited about with this film is the Lana del Rey song, Young and Beautiful. Such an amazing start to summer.