Every so often I join Eric and the photography group he’s a member of on one of their Photowalks. Over the weekend, the group went to the Ft. Worth Zoo. I usually enjoy the zoo, and thought it would be a great way to practice my photography and maybe learn a thing or two.

These guys cracked me up – the ‘roos were just chillin’. And let me say I don’t blame them – it was H.O.T. (August in TX, go figure.)

Oh how I love the little white spots on the tiger’s ears. Wishing I had a better zoom on the camera.

The lions were enjoying an afternoon snack.

I loved this mosaic.

Love this photo. For some reason I was so enthralled with these little bunches on the trees. They looked like little paper lanterns almost. But I am glad I got the zebras in the shot too.

This is probably my favorite photo of the day. He was quite content to sit in that little square alcove.

And just in case you think going to the zoo doesn’t fit into your workout schedule. Take a look at my pedometer for the day. That’s over 15,000 steps in a day!